Marimar Episode 18

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Trapped in an Island... Caught Up in Love
Marimar Philippine TV Series 87 Sergio wakes up from his unconsciousness and his phone rings. Marimar checks who is calling. Her anger returns when she finds out it was Inocencia calling Sergio, so she grabs his phone and throws it in the ocean. Sergio isn’t please with what Marimar just did, telling her it was their only way to call for help and not they are indeed stuck in the island. Marimar ignores him and continues to do so until the next day, talking only to Fulgoso and pretending that Sergio’s replies are just ill winds. While the two are stranded, Sergio and Marimar swim showing a beautiful underwater seascape full of colourful fishes and sea plants.
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Sergio excitedly calls Marimar and Fulgoso stating he has caught a lot of fish. Indeed he has but such small fishes! MariMar does better, having only found two fishes but huge fishes were they that Sergio felt ashamed of his find and pretended to hide them by placing them in his pockets! Marimar chastise him for catching the baby fishes when they should have been given time to grow more. Fulgoso wisely scores Marimar a point and Sergio, bokya! (zero). Then we see Sergio rubbing two rocks together and muttering to a Fulgoso who is seriously watching him, “What good will two large fishes be if she couldn’t build a fire?” He attempts to make his fire spark to life but again Marimar calls Fulgoso while showing off a huge fire with one fish already done and the other being cooked. Fulgoso runs to his owner telling Sergio sorry, two points for Marimar and Sergio still zero. Sergio shouts to his wife that he is intending to eat his fish ala-sashimi style. Marimar asks what that means to which Sergio says that’s a Japanese style of preparing fish. Marimar doesn’t care, instead she teases Sergio how delicious and fresh her broiled fish is while giving Fulgoso a huge bite.
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Then Sergio calls Marimar and Fulgoso to check out his finished hut. He says it is small but surely the three of them would be able to fit in it. Marimar tests its stability by blowing hard and since it did not topple, she agreed that his built hut is strong indeed. Then she shows off her creation, a much bigger, stronger and nicer hut. Sergio is obviously troubled at how better Marimar is than him and sulks in his hut all by himself. Marimar continues to tease Sergio and at first, she did not want to share any of her food to Sergio although she did save a huge part of the second fish just for him. She checks him out in his hut and discovers that he’s got a fever. She gives him food and convinces him to move to her bigger hut.

Meanwhile, Corazon is giving away excess food to the resort staff: Arturo, Choi and Natalie. They were also singing praises as to how beautiful and kind-hearted Marimar is with Choi particularly keen on hearing more from Corazon who is the closest to Marimar among the staff, much to the resentment of Natalie who has been harboring feelings for Choi for a long time. Natalie leaves quite upset and goes to her room where she speaks with her “strange” sister about her frustrations about Choi and how Marimar is making it worse.
Marimar Philippine TV Series 94Marimar gives the sick Sergio tender loving care and had laid him in her hut, promising not to be so jealous and more trusting of her husband.


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Marimar Episode 17

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Sergio's Real Feelings

Marimar refuses to go back to Villa Santibañez even when Sergio came to apologize to her in her grandparent’s home. Lolo Pancho explained to Sergio that Marimar grew up never having to deal with feelings like jealousy as she was the center of both grandparents’ attention. She never had to deal with anger or frustration either being quite carefree and even naive on so many things. Sergio declares he does know and understand this. He said he’ll give Marimar some time to mull it over then come back to collect her. Pancho said he will talk to Marimar. Lola Cruz is already explaining to her young grand-daughter what a marriage should be – that being not just based on love but also trust. Ever the famous line “hindi parang kaning isusubo na kapag mainit at mapaso, ay pwedeng iluwa”. (not like rice that you eat which you can easily spit out when it is hot).
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Sergio returns to Villa Santibanez in quite a sour mood. He is in deep thought when Angelika sees him and tries to flirt with him. She boldly tells him that Marimar is not the woman for him. He needs someone more sophisticated, more matured...when he sharply retorts, “and more scheming?” This stuns the often confident Angelika whom Sergio tells to go away.
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Just then Arturo arrives and asks him what’s the matter: to which he replies that he is not happy with the way Marimar seems to be upset with him. He is unable to think clearly and wants to settle this matter with his wife first. Just then, Renato calls him on his mobile telling him there’s a meeting with the investors and engineers and if he is interested in coming. Sergio declines saying he’s got matters to arrange first. Renato retorts that he’s just joined the company and should really make an effort to be consistent and work hard. However Sergio insists that he’s already done a lot but right now he needs to deal with a personal matter. Renato tells his son that he is really disappointed and ends the call. Arturo tells Sergio that perhaps he is now truly in love with Marimar seeing him so upset with them being apart. Sergio tells Arturo to prepare the boat and tell Corazon to prepare food good for a week. He plans to take his wife to an island where they can be together and spend their long-postponed honeymoon.

Innocencia has a visitor, her boyfriend who is asking why she has not even come to visit her sick mother. She gives him an envelope with lots of money. He suspects her saying that secretaries do not really earn that much, unless she is also sleeping with her boss. This angers Innocencia as she breaks up with her boyfriend.
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Marimar tells Fulgoso that although she is angry with Sergio, she does miss him so. She feels like one that is torn between love and anger and that she feels like she is so confused and at the edge of getting insane. While she is thinking this out loud to her mutt, Sergio comes and takes his wife with him by force. Sergio tells Marimar that they are going on a week-long trip in another island but MariMar remains angered. The boat that Sergio and Marimar ride breaks down in the middle of the sea. He asks for Marimar’s help in fixing the boat but the latter just mimics his request in a sarcastic way and further tells him that she’s not going to help in any way as she is still angry with him. A strong rain comes, so MariMar, Sergio, and Fulgoso head to a nearby island. As they reach the island, Fulgoso who is afraid of thunder breaks into a run. Marimar runs after Fulgoso while Sergio shouts for her to wait. Marimar does not ever look back, Sergio slips and hits his head on the rocks without Marimar knowing this.
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At the same time, the sleeping Angelika is awakened by Renato. She’s crying in her sleep shouting Sergio’s name. She knows that something horrible has happened to Sergio and convinces Renato that they must go and look for him. Renato is upset by this and tells Angelika to stop any feelings she has for his son as she is married to him.

Marimar finally finds Fulgoso and they go and look for Sergio. She finds him unconscious by the shore with a deep cut on his cheek. She shakes him to wake up, worry clearly etched on her face.


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Marimar Episode 16

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Marimar's Accident

When Marimar got trapped in the van Lola Cruz saw the box that contained Marimar’s necklace fall. Immediately she felt that something bad had happened to her granddaughter and told Pancho that they must go and see Marimar that same night. The old man advised her to let it wait until the morning as a storm is passing their way. She agrees but is visibly worried.
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The next day Marimar wakes up and Corazon is beside her – happy to see her looking better than the night before. Marimar is afraid that Sergio might be angry with her for trying to drive despite not knowing how. She was thinking of ways to explain to Sergio her impulsive actions that almost caused her her life when Sergio arrives. At first Marimar is stunned to silence but she sees his husband is actually carrying a try of soup for her.

Meanwhile Lola Cruz arrived and is met by Angelika who orders Perfecta to prepare a special meal for Cruz. She tells Perfecta to serve Cruz with dog food. Perfecta obeys and Fifi is scandalized at how Cruz can eat her food which is supposedly not for humans. But the innocent old woman was enjoying her meal, even asking Perfecta to eat with her.
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Angelika finds Sergio feeding Marimar soup and she mentions her grandmother is there to see her. She also reminded Sergio about the yatch trip he had planned with the investors. Marimar on hearing this pleaded with her husband if he could stay with her instead. He promised her that he will not go, further infuriating Angelika.

Marimar and Lola Cruz were reunited at Sergio’s flat. Marimar is back in bed and had fallen asleep with her grandmother with her. When he was sure Marimar is indeed asleep, Sergio calls Innocencia to hold the yatch as he is coming along.

Renato was very upset with the delay and finds out the reason why. Meanwhile, Marimar sees off her grandmother and sees Angelika who tells her that Sergio is on the yatch with her beautiful secretary Innocencia. She asks Angelika to accompany her to the yatch and they got onboard. During the cocktail party in the yacht, Innocencia falls in the sea and is saved by Sergio. Marimar sees Sergio giving Innocencia mouth-to-mouth resuscitation but thinks that Sergio, even in front of her, is kissing his secretary Innocencia. Marimar gets mad and makes a scene, Sergio pleads her not to embarrass him to the investors so Marimar told him he can go back to Innocencia if he wants to, she is definitely walking out and returning to her grandparents' house.


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Marimar Episode 15

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Inocencia, Sergio’s New Secretary

Marimar is pleased to find herself in her grandparents home but asks for Sergio. Cruz explained it was her fault as she misses her grandaughter so much that she asked Sergio to leave her with them for a while although Sergio promised to come back for Marimar that day. While Marimar was asleep, Cruz noticed patches of blood on her granddaughter’s clothing. She suspects that the two had just consummated their marriage the night before.
Marimar Philippine TV Series 70 Marimar discloses to Cruz her happiness and how she now knows that Sergio indeed does love her and she cannot wait to be with Sergio again. She acquiesced to stay until after breakfast but declared she must get back to the villa to be with her husband after.

Meanwhile, Sergio meets his new secretary Inocencia. At first Sergio suspects about a conspiracy but seems to have softened after he finds out how efficient and hard-working Innocencia appears to be.
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Knowing Marimar is not in Sergio’s flat, Angelika orders Perfecta to get the jewelry set that Sergio gave Marimar. After much tossing around of the bed, Perfect finds the jewelry hidden in a shoebox and brings it to her boss. Angelika praises Perfecta for a job well done while she ogles at the jewelry set had been wanting to possess for the longest time.

Marimar sneaks back into the resort and Fulgoso reminds her that they really do not need to sneak in anymore as everyone knows her to be Sergio’s wife. However Marimar feels self-conscious in meeting Sergio again in her state – she hasn’t bathe or changed clothing and didn’t want to disappoint Sergio when they meet again. So, seeing the sprinklers are activated, she asks Fulgoso to join her take a bath in the garden. She is screaming and running around happily, chasing Fulgoso when Sergio sees her. He smiles at the scene he is witnessing and calls to his wife, asking what she is doing. She explains that she’s been quite dirty and wanted to be clean before she sees him. He suggested a bath in their home but she reasoned she didn’t want to soil the floors. To this, Sergio runs after her and carries her home.
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Now in a robe, Marimar helps Sergio dry himself up and Corazon bring in food for the couple. Sergio asked his wife to sit on his lap while they share their meal. Angelika sees the two quite happy to be together so she calls Innocencia to reprimand her for not keeping Sergio in the office.

Innocencia, afraid to suffer Angelika’s wrath calls Sergio on his phone telling him that he needs to attend to a meeting with the investors. Sergio grudgingly obliges apologizing to Marimar that he has to go but promised to be back as soon as possible.

Marimar was in the resort lobby when she sees Renato preparing to go fishing. As both share a passion for the sport, Renato invited Marimar to tag along. They were quite happy to share fishing tips and Marimar asked Renato if driving was easy. He told her it was quite basic and she should learn how to drive herself. They were on their way back when they met Angelika and Arturo on the road. The van they were using had problems. Renato asked his wife to ride with them, and Marimar opted to stay with the van to allow the couple some time to be by themselves.
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Sergio was quite impressed at how Innocencia handled their investors. Seeing all seems well at the office, he told Innocencia to hold the fort as he wants to spend dinner with his wife. Innocencia, still following Angelika’s orders to keep Sergio away from Marimar, reminded his boss that they have planned a dinner with their investors. However Sergio left everything to her capable hands and left for home.

Marimar asks Choi if the latter can drive her around the resort to find Sergio as he promised to be back but still isn’t. Choi was about to drive her when Natalie calls Choi reminding him of a task that he must do. Alone in the van, Marimar tries to switch on the engine despite her lack of knowledge in driving. The van emits smoke, and Marimar in her panic locks herself up inside the van. Marimar tries to get out but is unable to find the button to unlock the van, now filled up with smoke. Sergio arrives in time with Arturo who runs off to get a duplicate key. Marimar passes out from inhaling too much of the gas. Sergio carries Marimar out but she is unconscious. He orders those around him to call a doctor quickly as he carries Marimar home.


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Marimar Episode 14

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Lover's Quarrel

Marimar is unhappy about not being able to see Sergio for long periods of time as the latter is lately quite busy with meeting the investors for their resort.
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Angelika comes up with a suggestion for Marimar – why doesn’t she go and bring lunch to Sergio instead, that way she will be able to meet him. Excited and grateful for Angelika’s suggestions, Marimar sets off to ask for Corazons help in the kitchen. She helps Corazon prepare Sergio’s favorite food and packs it in a basket to take to her busy husband.

Sergio is in a closed-door meeting with their resort's foreign investors. Arturo accompanies Marimar to the meeting and implores the secretary to let them in. While Arturo is discussing with the secretary, Marimar sneaks in. She excitedly shares how she prepared lunch for Sergio but the investors and Renato see this as a nuisance and orders Sergio to send her away. Tensed and caught between the pressure of his father and the investors, he scolds Marimar because the latter just would not listen to his pleadings of leaving them alone. Hurt, Marimar goes back to her grandparents' island with Fulgoso.
Marimar Philippine TV Series 67 Back in the island, Marimar does not show herself to her grandparents. She had just told them how great her life is at the Santibanez resort and she does not want them to worry about her. She hides on a nearby cliff as she emotes to Fulgoso about how Sergio had chastised her when she only wanted him to know that she loves him so much and how she took great pains to prepare that special lunch for him.

Sergio finds Marimars note in the lunch basket she left behind. He feels sorry for his harsh actions and goes looking for his wife. When he could not find him anywhere in or near the resort, he suspected she went to her grandparents. Sergio arrives at their home only to find out that Marimar has not been there. This alarms Pancho and Cruz, suspecting that the two had a quarrel.
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Sergio finds MariMar and the cliff where he had proposed marriage to her. He apologises about his actions earlier and asks her to do anything that she wants, even slap him, in order to make her feel better. However Marimar does nothing of that sort instead she says that having Sergio with her, is more than enough to make her happy. Touched at how simple yet profound Marimar’s desires are, Sergio kisses his wife tentatively at first and more passionately as heavy rainfall engulfs them.

The two consummate their marriage for the first time. Later Marimar lies contentedly asleep, Sergio reprimands himself at what he has done. He shouldn’t have been so careless. Now he is in too deep and Marimar deserves a lot more than his empty promises. With his guilt still nagging at him, he carries the still slumbering Marimar back to her grandparents’ hut. He assures them that he will come back for her in the morning.

Pancho asked for Sergio’s confirmation whether he and Marimar did have a misunderstanding and the young man admits this. He said that they have patched things up now and that he will return for Marimar the very next day.

Meanwhile, Angelika plans to use Inocencia to lure Sergio and drive a huge rift between her ex-lover and Marimar.


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Marimar Episode 12

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Presenting Mrs. Marimar Santibañez
Marimar Philippine TV Series 53After their romantic hot tub scene, Sergio carries MariMar to their bed and showers her with tender kisses. He tells his wife to sleep while he attends to other things first. Despite wanting Sergio beside her, she lets him go and obediently sleeps by herself. Sergio is at the veranda, drinking beer while contemplating on his decisions these past few weeks. On another veranda, a moody Angelika chain-smokes. Renato calls for her to come to bed but she said she’s just finishing her cigarette. Later Sergio goes back to their bedroom and watches Marimar sleep. There’s this cute-kilig scene where Marimar takes Sergio’s arm and wraps it around herself and sleeps with both their hands clasped together. Sergio is absorbed in deep thought as he stares into their clasped hands which wears their wedding rings.
Marimar Philippine TV Series 54The next day, Marimar awakes to find Sergio gone. She meets Corazon who gives her a bag of clothes and her breakfast. Marimar eats heartily prompting Corazon to tease her about her first night with Sergio. Marimar reveals that nothing realling happened between her and Sergio last night. In fact she slept quite early and Sergio left, saying he had other things to do. This confuses Corazon and makes her plot to bring Marimar and Sergio together.

Meanwhile Sergio is woken up by Arturo. He had fallen asleep in his mom’s office desk. He intends to take an active part in the management and development of the Santibanez resort and is catching up on the many reports he’s missed in the many months he’d spent abroad. Arturo asked him why he seems to be avoiding Marimar and he explains that he has no intentions of consumating his marriage with Marimar given that he only wanted to get back at his father and Angelika. He does like Marimar and cares for her so if he does not go beyond their contact at present, he would feel much better as she wouldn’t be as hurt than if they had been more intimate.

For lunch, she gives the couple a huge platter full of seafood aphrodisiacs to which Marimar declines stating that those are her friends. She asks for chicken instead while Sergio feasts on the colorful and delicious looking lunch.
Marimar Philippine TV Series 56He then formally introduces Marimar to the resort staff when Renato arrives and shows his displeasure as to how Sergio seems to be upstaging him. Angelika tells Renato that she finds Sergio a better husband to Marimar than Renato is to her for at least Sergio introduced Marimar to the staff as his wife while Renator never really did that for her.

Corazon overheard Sergio set a massage appointment with the resident masseuse, and took Marimar to the spa. Conniving with the masseuse, Corazon had arranged for Marimar to take the place of the masseuse when it is Sergio’s turn to be massaged. This way, the newlywed will have the opportunity to be on their own and perhaps have that “union” that seems to be lacking.

Meanwhile, Angelika and Monica are set to go out shopping when a cousin of Angelika’s, Inocencia (Nadine Samonte), seeks her help but Angelika sends her away threatening her cousin that should she see her again in the premises, she will not think twice about running her over.
Marimar Philippine TV Series 57 Sergio arrives at the spa that causes both Corazon and the masseuse to leave Marimar abruptly. She hides herself as Sergio enters and lies on the table. With his back to Marimar, he does not know that it wasn’t their regular masseuse who was massaging him. He urges the masseuse to press harder when Marimar speaks “But I don’t really know if I’m doing this right!” Startled, Sergio sits up and is clearly amused at to how far Marimar would go just to please him.

Facing the standing Marimar, Sergio asked her is she really wanted to learn how to do massages. She says yes and he places her hands on his shoulders. He pulls her into a tender embrace and just when the mood is about to become romantic, Sergio feels the beginning rumbles of his stomach. He remembered his lunch of seafood indulgence and leaves Marimar quickly.

Thus, round two is lost leaving Marimar to sleep all alone in bed and Sergio sleeping in his mother’s desk in the guise – well not really – of an upset stomach.


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Marimar Episode 11

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Marimar's Innocence, Angelika's Deception

Angelika is busy fixing Marimar’s face, giving her make-up and advise on how to behave in the party. Monica and Fifi look on surprised at how naive Marimar is.
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When the guests arrived, Angelika present Marimar to them. She looked like a clown in her overly-made-up face and a very unflatering smock. Despite this, Sergio proudly introduces Marimar to everyone as his wife which only angered Angelika more.

She then tasked Monica to talk to Sergio while she makes Marimar drink some alcoholic beverages. Not used to drinking, Marimar gets drunk immediately. Playing on her innocence, Angelika told Marimar that Monica is in love with Sergio and in fact the two are talking and flirting with one another.

This causes Marimar to be enraged as she attacks Monica and Sergio. The guests were in shock. In the scuffle, Sergio accidentally pushes Marimar and she fell into the pool. This caused Marimar to lash out at the guests asking whether it’s their first time to ever see a wet woman. Sergio asks her to come away with him but she refuses, saying this is her party and she will do whatever she wants. Renato, feeling quite embarrased, asked Sergio to take car of his wife and not create more scandal. He sees Angelika and Monica who seemed to be in a celebratory mood and suspected whether her wife had a hand in this.
Marimar Philippine TV Series 52 Meanwhile Sergio carried off Marimar to his pad and was calming her down. He told her he needs to go back to the party to bid the guests farewell and will be back soon. He left Marimar to the able hands of Corazon (Manilyn Reynes) who convinces Marimar that she needs a nice warm bath. Marimar Philippine TV Series 50 In the bathroom, Marimar is enjoying the bubbles when she accidentally turned on the jacuzzi causing her to scream about a monster in the water. Sergio who was apologizing to guests and saying his farewells heard this and he ran to Marimar’s rescue. He smiles as he discovers what it was that scared her and when he bent to turn off the jacuzzi, he slipped and fell into the bath with his wife.
Marimar Philippine TV Series 51Their eyes locked and Sergio asked Marimar not to look at him that way. “What way”, she asked and he replied, “That way when you look like you want me to kiss you.” Marimar admits, “but I do want you to kiss me”, and just when they were about to kiss, Angelika with Renato hot on her heels pushes open the bathroom door.

Sergio asks for a bit of privacy and the clearly disappointed Angelika steps back. Renato agrees and declares that all seems well and that they should leave the two lovebirds on their own.

Sergio and Marimar continue where they were abruptly interrupted leaving Angelika to worry that Sergio seems to have indeed fallen for Marimar.

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Marimar Episode 13

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Marimar and Sergio's Sweet Moments

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Again Arturo finds Sergio asleep in the same place and wakes him up. Renato arrives and asks Sergio if he is really serious with his plans, to which the young man confirms. While fixing more files, he comes across a framed photo of his mother wearing expensive-looking jewelery. He asks Arturo to open the safe and he retrieves the jewelery set.

Sergio goes home to Marimar only to find her quite distressed that he did not spend the night with her. He apologizes to his wife, explaining to her that he had a lot of things to do at the office because he wanted to take a more active role in the running of their business. As a peace offering, he gives Marimar the jewellery saying that this was given to him by his own mother who made him promise to give this to the woman he will someday marry. Since Marimar is his wife, this is rightfully hers now.

The set is a necklace, bracelet and a pair of earrings. Marimar who never really wore any kind of jewellery before, doesn’t have pierced ears to wear the earrings. To this Sergio calls the local nurse to pierce Marimar’s ears.
Marimar Philippine TV Series 59Sergio lovingly hugs Marimar and holds her hands as the nurse does the minor operation. “Parang kagat lang ng langgam yan!” he assures her (Just like an ant bite, nothing more). Once the first ear was pierced, Marimar implores if it is possible to just have one ear pierced suggesting she will just wear one earring at a time. Sergio gently coaxes her to have the other ear pierced as she needs to wear both.

Marimar was showing off her jewelry to Corazon who said she remembers when Sergio’s mom was the one wearing it. She assures Marimar that indeed Sergio must love her so, for giving her this heirloom. Angelika sees the jewelry and remembers a time when she was asking for the same set from Sergio. She was just Sergio’s girlfriend then when Sergio showed her the set. She had wanted it ever since but since it wasn’t Renato’s, she never got the chance to wear it.

Marimar visits her grandparents with a bag full of groceries. She assures them that she is well and that Sergio is taking good care of her. In fact, she just received an expensive jewellery set from her husband – but chose not to wear it as she might lose it.

Angelika confronts Sergio telling him to stop this nonsense he is doing with Marimar. She tries to tempt him, passionately kissing him to which Sergio pushes her away reminding her that he is married to her father. Sergio emphasizes that he is also a married man and that Marimar is his wife. Nicandro sees Angelika kissing Sergio and reports this to Renato. Nicandro even dared to advise Renato to have his wife heavily guarded, giving Renato an idea.
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Meanwhile Monica sees Innocencia asleep by the Santibanez gate and takes pity on the young woman. She said she will try to talk to someone who may be able to help her to which Innocencia is thankful.

Renato warns Angelika not to cheat on him and assigns her a bodyguard. He also meets with Innocencia whom he seems to take a liking to. He tells her that any relative of Angelika is also a relative of his. Innocencia reveals that when Angelika’s mother left her father, they moved to the city where they lived with Innocencia’s family. When Angelika’s father died, her parents raised Angelika as their own making her like Innocencia’s elder sister. Now, Innocencia’s mother is in need of help being ill in the hospital. Renato promises to help Innocencia’s family.
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Sergio is drinking and asks Marimar to join him. Marimar gets drunk and the two were quite playful. Angelika now with her new bodyguard and Monica see Sergio and Marimar drunken and flirting. Angelika wanted to stop them but she couldn't do anything because her bodygoard may tell Renato about it. Having left with nothing to do, she pushes her friend Monica off the cottage. Monica falls and sprains her ankle giving Angelika an opening to call on Sergio's help but he declined saying he has to attend to his drunken wife first.

Later Angelika sees Inocencia back at Villa Santibañez she was about to throw her out again when Renato declares that he has appointed Inocencia as Angelika's female bodyguard.

Meanwhile Marimar pukes on Sergio, prompting him to carry his wife home. When Marimar asks Sergio why he didn't help Monica, he sagely replied: "Eh selosa asawa ko eh."


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Marimar Episode 10

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The Wedding

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Marimar, Fulgoso, Pancho and Cruz were early at the Mayor’s office for Sergio and Marimar’s wedding. It is a happy day for these simple folks. Cruz laments that Marimar and Sergio are only getting a civil ceremony. Had it been up to her, she would have preferred a church wedding. However Marimar assured her that maybe after a year, she and Sergio will get a church wedding. The family then sat and waited for Sergio to arrive.

Angelika is in a bad mood because today is Sergio’s and Marimar’s wedding day but she is trying not to be too upset as Renato is keeping a careful eye on her. He even went on to tease Angelika whether they should attend or not. Renato is obviously enjoying how anxious and stressed Angelika is about all this.

Meanwhile Marimar and party have been waiting a long time for Sergio to arrive. The mayor told them that is Sergio does not arrive by noon, he will have to go because he’s got to keep an engagement in another town. Marimar is worried and close to tears but Cruz assures her despite not being too successful about it that Sergio will come and Marimar should have more faith.

Arturo enters Sergio’s room to see him on the floor, drunk and asleep. He wakes him up and reminds him that today is his wedding day. Sergio wakes up with an obvious hang over.

Marimar is now crying and wondering why Sergio stood her up. The mayor is about to leave when Sergio arrives and apologises to Marimar for being so late but assured her that they are getting married. He wipes her tears and asked the mayor to proceed with the ceremony.

Sergio takes Marimar to live with him in the Santibanez villa despite Renato and Angelika’s evident dislike of his new bride. Angelika takes a different route in ruining Marimar. She asks Marimar to be friends and bury the past. She then tells Marimar that she will hold a special party for her to introduce her to their circle of friends. Marimar thanks Angelika for her kindness.

Meanwhile Monica and Angelika proceeds with their plans of ruining the innocent Marimar.


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Marimar Episode 9

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Premonitions of Marimar's Wedding

Sergio arrives just in time to save Marimar from being raped by Nicandro. Sergio beats Nicandro and the beaten maniac ran away. Sergio gently wakes Marimar and when she woke up, she asks Sergio if he does loves her. He answers her with a tender hug and kisses.

When he asks her what caused her to leave her grandparents home, she cries about her ruined dress. Sergio laughs and assures her that she will have the most beautiful wedding dress she could ever want. He then takes Marimar to a wedding planner and they had a happy time choosing the best wedding gown.

Marimar Philippine TV Series 41
Marimar shows off her beautiful new wedding gown to her grandparents and asks for Cruz to forgive her for ruining her old dress. Both elders asked her where she got her new dress and she happily declared that Sergio helped her choose it. Both grandparents were quite upset that they didn’t seem to be following tradition. According to custom, a groom should not see his bride in her wedding dress before the wedding day, otherwise this would cause bad luck. Marimar was quite upset about this and hurriedly took off her gown.

Sergio talks to Arturo about what happened to him, Angelika and Renato earlier that day and confides his hesitation about pushing through with his wedding plans. He is getting married in the morning.

Marimar Philippine TV Series 43 Marimar Philippine TV Series 42
Later that same evening, Marimar wakes up from a bad dream: it was her wedding day and on the altar she and Sergio are being married by Padre Porres with Pancho, Cruz, Fulgoso and Arturo as witnesses. They are about to kiss as husband and wife when an unknow woman shows up with a gun and shouts to stop the wedding. She then fires her gun at Marimar.

Lola Cruz assured Marimar that it is only a bad dream and that tomorrow, she will have a happy wedding day.


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